About Me and This Site

I’m a middle-of-the-pack, middle-aged athlete that enjoys maintaining an active and, hopefully, healthy lifestyle. I’m also an I/T professional and fortunately find those two interests nicely compatible. My fitness interests revolve around the endurance sports, primarily swimming, biking, and running and all the technology surrounding them. As you can tell from the “Gear Closet”, I’m an unabashed gadget collector. I generally try to get in at least one workout per day and that workout will usually involve one or more of those devices.
I try to enter a handful of races per year primarily because I really enjoy the vibe at these events. Anywhere in the middle of the pack and I’m happy. Make it into the top quarter and it’s a good day.
I sometimes think of fitness and endurance sports as my primary hobby. The usual definition, “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation” seems reasonable or something along the lines of “an activity done during one’s leisure time.” So lets compromise a bit and say that, at least for me, fitness is both a hobby (pursued for pleasure) and a lifestyle (defining a way in which I want to live). The bottom-line is that I’m simply a fitness enthusiast that enjoys using interesting and bleeding-edge technology at the same time.
And by the way, if you’re interested in purchasing any of the products mentioned on the site, using the Amazon affiliate links supports the site and is greatly appreciated!