This year’s MS Tour To Tanglewood began with a beautiful Saturday morning ride. The team split into a variety a groups doing different distances with a couple of us hoping to do the 80 mile loop or maybe even the century. As it turns out, the century route continues on from the completion of the 80 mile route which means you go right by the entrance into the park and add another 20 miles (some of which you’ve already ridden). After 80 miles it’s practically impossible to not turn into the park when you can smell the beer and food waiting just a mile away. Needless to say, the beer and lunch provided by Carrabba’s won and the century will have to wait for another day.
The forecast for Sunday called for rain later in the afternoon but it came early and we woke to a dreary morning. It never really rained that hard but after Saturday’s beautiful weather, it was tough to get excited about spending a couple hours cycling in the rain. By 9AM the team had dwindled to about a half dozen so we decided to throw in the towel, pack up, and call it a weekend.
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