Back Bay NWR and False Cape Landing SP


I drove down to Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge early Sunday Morning to do a little mountain biking. Back Bay NWR connects to False Cape Landing State Park and together they make up something like a 10 mile stretch resembling Hatteras National Sea Shore (only more deserted) ending at the NC border. The only access to False Cape SP is by foot, bike, or water – no vehicular access at all. They have 12 “primitive” campsites scattered throughout the park. I only saw 1 that was occupied although a passed a couple of folks coming out that morning. It could make for an interesting overnight trip (either by bike, foot, or kayak).

There’s no point in suppressing one’s “inner geek”, so I figured out how to save and download the GPS track. I’ve attached a graphic showing the route. I made it to about a mile of the NC border before the sand got too loose for the bike. They say, however, that at low tide you can bike on the beach with no problem.

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