Here at Last!

Biking Travel

I’ve been looking forward to getting back up to Acadia National Park from the moment I got home after last year’s trip–and I’m finally back. Friday’s drive went pretty much as expected. I got out pretty early and with the exception of about 15 miles of congestion in Connecticut, made pretty good time and pulled into Cape Ann Campsites in Gloucester, MA around 9PM. This is a very rustic campground which makes finding a site in the dark a bit of a challenge. I finally settled on a pull-through site within a few hundred yards of the camp store, popped open the camper, and after about 30 minutes of reading, called it a night.

I originally planned on spending Saturday in Gloucester and try to do a little paddling and/or biking around Cape Anne. The weather, however, didn’t seem too promising and I was afraid I’d just wind up laying around and reading all day so I decided to go ahead and drive up to Acadia a day early. I still did a nice little driving tour around the area with the obligatory stop at the Gloucester waterfront to get a photo of the “Fisherman at the Wheel” monument.

I got to Acadia around 5PM and went straight to Bar Harbor Campground. What a great place! I was able to get one of the last available sites overlooking Frenchman’s Bay and once again, my little Aliner was dwarfed among the big R/Vs. But unlike regular R/V Resorts, most of these sites are at least slightly wooded so you don’t get the typical “trailer park” feel found elsewhere. I got everything set up, took a shower, and headed into Bar Harbor for a little walking and dinner. A quick run through the market for some provisions and I headed back to the campground.  A little reading and then called it quits.

Sunday morning was overcast but the forecast called for clearing so I decided to start the trip off with a little biking on the carriage trails. I went to the Visitor Center, purchased a park pass, got my Acadia Passport Stamp, and headed off on the bike. It was nice to be biking something other than the flat terrain of Virginia Beach. Although most of the route wanders around Eagle Lake, there are still some long, gradual climbs. I put together 15 miles before heading back to the parking area. All in all–a nice start to the trip.

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Acadia Biking Travel

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