It’s right around the corner so I thought I’d write up my plans for 2015. Nothing like throwing something out on the internet to generate commitment. It’s worth a shot. This year was somewhat occupied by other responsibilities so I’m sort of looking to make up for lost time.
On the cycling front, the main goal is to knock off the fourth lake in my Great Lakes project – Lake Huron. I suspect July will be about as early as the weather will allow and June already has a possible trip back out to Yosemite to hike the cable route up Half Dome (assuming we get permits in the March lottery). There are going to be a couple of longer days on the north side of the lake so I want to make sure I’m physically ready and generally comfortable enough on the bike to enjoy the route. I got in one century ride this year and would like to be able to do a few more as the opportunities present themselves.
As for running, I really want to be able to complete a half marathon as comfortably as I currently run a 10K. The trick is staying motivated during the winter and injury-free during the training. I’m confident that I can bump up my long runs and weekly mileage enough to run sub-2 hour half marathons. I’m already registered for three: Shamrock in March, Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh in April, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach in September. Unless something goes horribly wrong, the Crawlin’ Crab in October and the Harbor Lights in November are like candidates as well.
Dusting off the bucket list, I’ve decided to make an effort at being able to check off “triathlon”. Swimming, however, has never been my forte (as in, I can barely swim). Beginning in September I began working with a coach and, although incredibly frustrating, progress is being made. I’m registered for a sprint event in April that includes a 300 yard pool swim. If I get through that without drowning, I hope to be able to start some open-water training in the Spring and be ready for the OBX Sprint Triathlon in September.
The main goal, however, is to simply continue building on 2014, stay active and injury-free, and have a good time. Here’s to a good year.