How’s your training going? What are you training for? Like me, you’ve probably been asked those questions numerous times by folks who have noticed your regular exercise routine. Generally, the implication being that there’s a specific event sometime in the future which is prompting all this physical activity. Although I typically do have events scattered throughout my calendar in which I certainly enjoy participating, they are not, however, the primary reason for my exercise. Those events are, in reality, the reward for my daily activity. So the best answer I can give to the question “what are you training for?” is probably just “tomorrow.” I simply want to be ready to enjoy myself with whatever activity happens to present itself–for as long as possible.
It’s taken me quite a while to settle into that simple answer but it turns out that its basis began to form almost 30 years ago.
Back in my 20’s and 30’s, I found myself constantly being impressed with folks 10 to 20 years older than myself that were actively running, cycling, skiing, snowboarding, hiking, etc. Now, in my 50’s, I’m still seeing those folks. But, just as time has marched on for me, so it has for them–and I find myself being even more impressed as they are still out there kicking butt and living a healthy and active lifestyle.
I know plenty of folks that need an event on their calendar as impetus to train. If that’s what it takes to get you off the couch, so be it.
But for me, it’s simply a matter of taking care of tomorrow. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll be the one some youngster looks at and says “Hey! Check out the old guy. That’s so cool!”