The forecast was perfect for a weekend on the Outer Banks but I wasn’t too interested in doing this weekend’s long ride on the coast. While doing a little virtual wandering with…
Tag: Biking
Tsali Mountain Biking Weekend
I wound up with a couple of free days last week so I talked a friend into taking a bit of time off and joining me for a long weekend of mountain…
Mountain Biking in Moab
What a slacker I’ve been! Although the injury to my Achilles last August really put a damper on my activities, I don’t think I had to go quite this deep into hibernation….
Tsali Homecoming
It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been over 12 years since I last mountain biked the trails at Tsali. As I’ve started ramping up my bike mileage, a visit back…
Eastern Shore Road Cycling
Taking advantage of the lower temperatures, I headed over to the Eastern Shore and celebrated July 4th with a long bike ride. Knowing that a swim and a shower were going to…