Biking Travel

Skyline Drive

Attending a conference in Waynesboro on Friday and Saturday left me with an opportunity to get in a little road cycling outside of my normal flat terrain so I added the bike and a bit a camping gear to the packing list and headed north. At the conclusion of Saturday’s meeting, I drove up the


Currituck – Knotts Island Loop

We all know what a “bucket list” is – those things you want to accomplish before you “kick the bucket”.  I’m not sure if there’s a name for things you want to do before the end of the year, but I had three: Cycle from my house into False Cape State Park and camp at


Isle of Wight County Road Ride

Nothing special this weekend – just a nice road ride in Isle of Wight County beginning in Smithfield.  Having no experience in this part of the state, I put together the route using Garmin Basecamp, loaded into the Edge 800, and set off for an early Sunday morning ride.  Although the route loaded into the


Cycling Around Lake Mattamuskeet

The forecast was perfect for a weekend on the Outer Banks but I wasn’t too interested in doing this weekend’s long ride on the coast. While doing a little virtual wandering with Google Maps, I spotted Lake Mattamuskeet just west of Pamlico Sound.  Plotting a route with Garmin BaseCamp, it looked like it would make